Flooding and Storm Response

Flooding Damage
Recent storms in the Sloughhouse area have left areas flooded, without power, roads closed, residents stranded and property damaged. The most recent, in January 2023, was a bomb cyclone that poured down rain and snow during winds as high as 70 miles per hour. If you do find yourself in the area during a storm with high winds and flooding, please remain in place if you can and do not drive unless absolutely necessary. If needed, seek shelter and high grounds for personal safety. California is particularly susceptible to flooding as the state does not yet have proper surface water storage projects available to most regions.
If you are a local resident who has recently endured storm damage to property, it is important to report the damage, have it assessed if needed and receive proper assistance. To report damage to homes or businesses within Sacramento County go to, https://report-ca-sacramento.orioncentral.com/. All information will be sent to OES and reported to State and Federal emergency response agencies. This is not the same as a report for insurance. The Sacramento County Office of Emergency Services is coordinating with all local partners to collect public property damage assessments and are preparing to deploy assessment teams to identify and document areas impacted by storm damage.
To report downed trees on public property and roads, call 311 or go to https://311.saccounty.gov/.
Storm Resources
Sacramento County Office of Emergency Services
UC Davis, School of Veterinary Medicine has four references available for free download. Each document supplies information for livestock owners who are preparing for, responding to and recovering from flooding.
Flooding and Equine OwnersFlooding and Livestock OwnersCalifornia Dairies: Coping with Flooding and EvacuationsChecklist for Emergency Flood Evacuation of a Dairy
Should you experience an outage, please report it online (computer or phone) at www.smud.org/outages. You’ll need your street number and either your SMUD meter number, SMUD account number, or the primary phone number associated with the account. This information can be found on your SMUD bill.
- To report trees in power lines, please call 1-866-473-9582.
- To report downed power poles or lines, call 911 and then call SMUD at 1-888-456-7683
- For updates, check @SMUDUpdates on Twitter
Sandbag Sites:
PLAN AHEAD – Cal OES is working closely with the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) to ensure that large animal owners are aware of the steps to take ahead of an evacuation.
Disaster Preparedness for Livestock Owners- Have a plan: Know a safe place you can take your pets before disasters or emergencies happen.
- Develop a buddy system: Plan with neighbors, friends, or family to make sure someone is available to care for or help evacuate your animals if you need help.
- Contact your local animal shelter: Make sure your local shelter takes large animals or determine another place you can take them in an emergency.
- Build an emergency kit: Prepare a kit with the essentials to keep your animals safe during an evacuation.
- Food
- Water
- Medicine
- Some form of identification
- Medical records and vaccinations
A little preparation with large animals will make an evacuation easier for all involved. Train them to be caught and loaded in trailers easily. Attach an ID tag to their halter or lead rope.