Groundwater Fee
Groundwater Sustainability Fee
The Sloughhouse Resource Conservation District

(SRCD) is one of seven Groundwater Sustainability Agencies (GSAs) working together to implement a state mandated Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) for managing groundwater in the Cosumnes Groundwater Subbasin. The plan was adopted by all GSAs and submitted to the State Department of Water Resources in January 2022. State funds were provided to help prepare the plan. However, local property owners are responsible for providing the funds needed to administer the plan.
On July 14, 2021, the Board of Directors of the Sloughhouse Resource Conservation District, acting as a groundwater sustainability agency in the Cosumnes Subbasin, held a public meeting and hearing at which a levy of a groundwater sustainability fee was considered and adopted. The fee – $10 per irrigated acre per year – was placed on the property tax role for collection. This fee covers our administrative expenses related to our role as a GSA under the state mandated Sustainable Groundwater Management Act.

In order to adopt an amended groundwater sustainability fee for additional years, a hearing was held on June 12 and July 10, 2024. Information regarding these meetings can be found on our meetings webpage. The SRCD Boared unanimously voted to adopt and approve the groundwater sustainability fee as of July 2024.
More information about the groundwater work in the Cosumnes Subbasin can be found on the Cosumnes Groundwater Authority website. The full Rate and Fee Study can be read HERE.
2024 Groundwater Fee Documents
Sloughhouse RCD
List of Impacted Parcels for Sloughhouse RCD- Updated 2024
De Minimis Groundwater Regulation Final Resolution (July 2024)Final Adopted Resolution of SRCD Groundwater Sustainability Fee (July 2024)Notice of Groundwater Sustainability Fee SRCD.pdf
Clay Water District
List of Impacted Parcels for Clay Water District - 2024Notice of Groundwater Sustainability Fee CWD.pdfAPPEALS
If you were billed for the Sloughhouse Resource Conservation District Groundwater Sustainability Fee and believe that the amount you were billed for is wrong, please review the SRCD Appeals Form and SRCD Appeals Verification Methodology. After reviewing these documents, if you wish to file an appeal, please complete and return the SRCD Appeals Form to SRCD Staff (submission information available on the form).
SRCD Appeals Form
General Materials
Resolution Adopting SRCD Groundwater Sustainability Fee (July 2022)Resolution Adopting SRCD Groundwater Sustainability Fee (July 2021)Groundwater Sustainability Fee Notice (2022)Groundwater Sustainability Fee Notice (2021)List of Impacted Parcels (Updated August 6, 2021)Map of Impacted Parcels
Impacted Landowner Materials
Appeals FormList of Impacted Parcels - Updated 2024
List of Impacted Parcels - Updated 2024
Don’t Know Your GSA? Interactive GoogleMap
Meeting Agendas
August 10, 2021
July 14, 2021 Agenda PacketJune 23, 2021 Agenda Packet